Friday, April 29, 2011

Mentally Rearranging

So I've had to do some mental rearranging the past few days.

It's like exercise...gotta constantly be working at it. Focusing on the right thing, giving it up to God, Letting it takes some work at first!

Good thing: it gets easier.

Once upon a time I had a crush on a boy, and then I found out he liked one of my best friends.
Shoot! I was jealous and sad...double whammy rejection. (I wonder if God let it come back to bite me so I could see how it feels when it's reflected back on me).
I tried to ignore it, laugh it away. Then yesterday it hit me really hard...and I realized that I had to face it head-on.

So I turned it over in my mind, waited for her to say something, felt lonely and frustrated, and took a nap.

Then I woke up, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I was making a big deal out of it.
(Girl codes are crazy)

So I moved around the furniture in my brain. Man, those couches were heavy.
But it was the right first step to letting it go.

Then I had an epiphany last night.
I'm fiercely protective of this girl and I don't want her to get hurt, and I thought to myself: "Wait a second, how could I not approve of her going out with a guy that I had seen so many good traits in?"

Frankly, I'm not sure I would let her go out with anyone less.
I liked him so much, and I realized that all of those attractive things I had seen would be focused on her...if anything were to happen, I know he would be kind to her.

It's an odd thought I know...breaks all girl codes.

So now all my mental furniture is moved around, though there are still a few odds-and-ends that could be switched on the mantle.
And I'm tired.

I've still gotta enjoy being single, and I know that whoever God has for me out there will be super awesome.

And maybe I'll be the one that catches his eye.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Well...Now What?

I actually couldn't finish a poem on the first try tonight...

I just can't make all the words say what I mean; it's not coming out entirely the way I want it to.

I guess my feelings are more difficult to process than I think they are...

Lord, guard my heart.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Ah, Spring.

The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, the girls at CCU are man-hunting...'tis the season.

I've always thought that Valentine's Day should be closer to springtime.

Today I thought I'd take it upon myself to describe Springtime giddyness in a few carefully chosen words:

It's like...

Butterfly kisses on the breeze that tickle the back of your neck.
Tender bubbles that flip around in your tummy when you see that "someone."
The aroma of lilacs and apple blossoms.
Smiling for no reason, or just because the sun is shining.
A gentle melody that gets stuck in your head, and you don't quite mind.
Blushing cheeks and flower petals.
Green sunlight that plays hide-and-seek with your freckles.
Burying your face into a bouquet of sweet memories.
Capturing new moments like firefly sparks.
I love spring.

I always forget how wonderful it is...and this spring has been, somehow, extra twitterful.

Somebody get me flowers before I make a silly fool of myself.

It's Too Late to Write a Blog Post

Yeah. It's 2:30 in the AM.

When has that ever stopped me from saying things?

I guess I just wanted to express my gratefulness for the life I have been given.
How comfortable I am with what God has blessed me with, and how trusting I am of Him to provide for my needs as life continues.

It's nice when you like being in your own skin.
Nice to know who you are...who you were created much you are loved.

And it's nice to have other people who seem to like you just for who you are.

I couldn't express enough how much my heart overflows--because of my Savior and the blessings I've been given in my life.

I am happy.

But more than that, I am joyful.

Friday, April 15, 2011


I saw a flash of sunlight in a smile.

Weird right? Nah...

I'll explain. Let's just say that yesterday I had a day where I got to see the best and worst of people.
I made some decisions about who I should be spending my time with, and I was disappointed and infuriated by someone I know other people think is amazing. You wouldn't think he was if you knew what he me.

Do not spend time with people who bring you down, or speak badly about your friends. They will not help you grow in your them, but don't spend extended amounts of time with them.

Like that phrase says, "You are who you hang out with." Or something like that.

And then the good ones come along. The friends that have always stuck by you, and the friends God blesses you with at the last moment. The friends who will stay up late talking when you really need it, play card games with you, make you cookies, square dance with you, leave notes on your phone, and let you watch loud movies on their TV.

It's in those friends--the ones that radiate the joy of the Lord--where you truly see that God has blessed you.

I saw a flash of sunlight in a smile.
And then I remembered what kind of friend I want to be.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Making Sense of Things (special appearance by Moses!)

1 Corinthians 1:27
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

I dig this verse.

I actually laughed out loud (lol'd) for real when I first read it.
It makes a lot of sense when we look at pieces of the Old Testament...

GOD: Hey Moses, take this big ol staff.
MOSES: Cool! Do I get to whack people with it??
GOD: No...but if you hold it up in the air all day, Joshua will win the battle against the Amalekites.
MOSES: ...Um, ok. I guess I'll just go...and hold it in the air...all day long...
GOD: Cool. Have fun! Oh, and bring Aaron and Hur with you, just in case, y'know, your arms get tired or anything.
(Loosely paraphrased from Exodus 17)

How silly must Moses have looked? Standing at the top of a hill, holding a staff above his head?

...But it worked.

Looking back at that verse from Corinthians: "God uses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise."

This is so we don't get big heads folks.
God could've swept down and smited (smote? smoted? whatever.) all of the Amalekites in one bolt of lightning.

Why didn't He do that? I mean, people would have been like "Whoa! God!" But He didn't. He told some guy with a speech impediment to stand on a hill holding a big stick above his head all day.

This is to show HIS power. His undeniable power.
If God always used things people think are "wise" or "cool" (which He does I'm sure), then we could always rationalize it away.
We could use OUR intellect to make sense of it.

The lightning was just a coincidence. It's Colorado. There's always weird weather here anyway.

Sometimes, God's not about making sense.

He's about being God.
Using silly things to win battles. (He can do that, since He's God and all.)

So, don't be surprised if it seems like God is doing foolish things in your life. If He starts using unexpected things to prove Himself to you.

He's just doing His thing.
And reminding you that you don't have all the answers.

But He does.