Saturday, July 10, 2010

Da Fluffy Stuff

So, I've been thinking. I'm thinking that I think I've just been psyching myself up for writing (I mean thinking) about the real stuff that's on my mind...

Basically, I've been writing floofyness because I haven't really been able to verbalize what's really been on my mind.

Ironically, that is what's on my mind.

Through all of my observations of life, I've noticed that portraying yourself as a big puffy marshmallow person is a heck of a lot easier than showing your true "crappy" self.
Marshmallows are just air and sugar--Marshmallow people strive to portray much of the same about themselves.

Sweetness, happiness, perfection...Every cool marshmallow has it all under control.

There are no such things as struggles for Mallows.

And this bothers me.

The trouble with portraying yourself as fluffy and perfect is simply this--every marshmallow will squish when it's stepped on. They shape and smoosh into anything that anyone wants them to be, and they have no form of their own to cling to when they are put under pressure.
And we aren't truly puffs of sugar anyway...

We are piles of crap!

(This is where you giggle)

No but seriously. Think about it...being your true self always wins out over portraying yourself as perfect. (I'm especially bothered by the appearance of marshmallows in Christian environments, where we are called to help each other through our struggles.)


Scenario #1: SHOES
Marshmallow squishes into round pancake-like form.
Crap hangs on like heck and never lets go! Even when removed, leaves behind victorious odor in the air, reminding the world that crap still survives!

Scenario #2 SUN
Marshmallow melts.
Crap stinks to high heaven, reminding the world that adversity only inspires it to pursue it's true identity from a higher source!

Scenario #3 CAMPFIRE
Marshmallow lights on fire.

Some of these may be stretching the truth, but you get my point. Right?

People are well, people. We have struggles, go through trying times, feel like the world is caving in on us...we are not perfect. Why should we try to portray we are?
Now, I'm not saying go and tell everyone every sin you've ever committed.

No, just I'm just talking about living honestly.
Not being afraid to reach out for others to hang on to during the tough spots. Not being afraid to say when you've messed up.


**disclaimer: All blogs will be lessons I'm in the process of learning. Enddisclaimer**

I love all you piles of crap...I mean people. I think each of you is SO incredibly wonderful and unique. Keep being you.

K that's all my thoughts on stuff tonight.


Weird analogies are my trademark.

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